Feel the enlivened activation of your snake medicine
Snake is here to tantalize you, to make love to you, to awaken you to your innate wholeness.
Once bitten by Snake, you enter a remembrance of how to alchemize venom into medicine, poison to healing. This weaves you back to the web of all creation and your place in it, knowing that there is nothing but infinite interconnectedness between yourself and all living things … including All Nature.
Read these transmissions.
Sit with them.
Read them aloud and let each word drip down your throat like sweet nectar—an amirta of
ecstatic humanity, sensuality, and love.
Re-member who you are as you take this sinuous path of Snake.
What's Inside Your
Journal & Poetry Book...
6 Journal Prompts
Explore the snake mysteries by being prompted to write about the poetic transmission you received.
6 Chapters of Poetic Mystery Teachings
Read through 6 power poems, which are transmissions of snake mystery teachings. After each poem, enjoy journal prompts to go deeper into the mystery.
Make Your Mark
Document your journey ... the journey of your ancestry, the land, your dreams, and your body...